Kelli Uustani on omapärase ja sooja hääletämbriga laulja ja laulukirjutaja, näitleja ja lugude jutustaja. Tema muusika kõigub mahlaka jazzi ja maitseka popi vahepealsel alal, lisades juurde pisut kõlasid muusikateatrist. Stiili on võrreldud ka Caecilie Norby, Eva Cassidy ja Barbra Streisandiga. Sisukad tekstid on üks tema võimsamatest tööriistadest, mis aitavad muusikal kuulajate hingedeni jõuda

Kontserte ja esinemisi on olnud nii Eestis, Inglismaal, Jaapanis, Soomes, Rootsis, Valgevenes, Lätis, Leedus ja mujalgi. 2003 aastal Inglismaal elades ja muusikateatrit õppides oli tal võimalus olla üheks taustalauljaks Sir Elton John'ile tema heategevuskontserdil Royal Albert Hallis, mille kandis üle ka BBC.

Koostöös Mart Sanderi ja Bel Etage Svingorkestriga, on aastatel 2005- 2008 ilmunud 5 erinevat plaati kolmes keeles. Album "Five Fifteen" (Divine Art, UK) kuulutati 2006 a. Londoni päevalehe Evening Standard poolt nädala jazzalbumiks. 2007 Valmis  Bel Etage DVD kahe kontserdi ja ühe saksakeelse muusika lühifilmiga "Berlin 1945 - Musik Unter Bomben"

  Muusikalistest kooslustest  uusim on  Kelli Uustani Trio, kus veel lisaks liikmetena pianist  Mathei Florea ja kontrabassist Robert Nõmmann, kellega koos mängitakse peamiselt ainult uut originaalmuusikat.

Juba üle 5 aasta annab ta oma oskusi edasi MUUSIKALIKOOLIS, olles ühtlasi kooli loometiimi osa ja muusikaosakonna juht.

BiO in English

Kelli is an actress and a singer-songwriter with a specific warm voice. 

As a musician she has a classical backround with Bachelor's degree in conducting from Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and PG diploma in Musical Theatre from The Royal Academy of Music (London). Her style is compared to Caecilie Norby, Eva Cassidy and even Barbra Streisand. 

Kelli’s music is balancing between luscious jazz and tasteful pop, with sounds from musical theatre. Meaningful lyrics are one of her powerful tools and make her music something deeper for listener’s souls. 

Performing with varieties of different bands and musicians and being involved also in musical theatre plays makes her amplitude in music very wide. She has participated in musical theatre and film projects through the years playing different characters and main roles in the shows like "Little Shop of Horrors"," "No, No Nanette", "Les Miserables", "The Baker's Wife", "Oliver", "Grease", "Chicago", "Man of La Mancha" and others. The last project was a rap-opera "KARMA" where she played the leading role.

While studying in Royal Academy, she had the rare opportunity to be one of the back vocalists for sir Elton John in his charity concert at Royal Albert Hall in 2003. It was also broadcasted by BBC.

 She also had a long cooperation with orchestra Bel Etagé with a result of 5 albums and 2 concert DVDs. Their album “Five Fifteen” (2006 Divine Art, UK) was announced as the Jazzalbum of the week by The London Evening Standard.

Her first solo album with her own music was called "Kuni pöördub tuul" (" `Til the wind changes", 2007).

In 2019 she released her second solo album "Coming Out - All About nuance" in English. These two solo albums and some new material recorded with her trio is mainly the repertoire she sings in her concerts with her wonderful musicians.

She has been also working as a singing teacher and coach for over 5 years in Musical Theatre School in Tallinn. From this year also as a Head of Music Department.